Ormus Minerals Ormus
Salts for Plants

Ormus or mono-atomic Minerals were actually being studied in the Soviet Union as early as
In fact, the then Soviet Union was far ahead of the rest of the world in researching
water and salt and had already revealed that monatomic minerals were found in sea water and other
sources of mined salt.
It was only a couple of decades ago that an American farmer, David Hudson, accidentally
stumbled upon monatomic gold and other monatomic elements after dousing his fields with sulphuric
acid to loosen the mineral salts in his soil.
David Hudson coined the term ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic
Elements) to describe the strange white powder, incapable of being perceived by the mind
or senses that comes from gold, platinum group metals, and other transitional metals.
These transitional minerals have not yet "transitioned" into the usual atomic structure
characteristic of metallic minerals.The electrons in monatomic minerals exist in what is called a
"high spin state".
Science refers to these minerals as "exotic" matter, not yet known and not shown on the Periodic
Table of Elements. However, new physics indicate that the white powder may not be mono-atomic, but
diatomic, or small cluster "condensates".With this, we generally refer to these elements as ORMUS
or "M-State" elements.
Analysis of m-state elements has disclosed that their physical weight can be decreased to a
negative value at specific high temperatures.Incredible as it seems, these elements actually
levitate! What's more, they can also be coaxed into becoming superconductive, and even to resonate
in other, parallel dimensions.

There is a growing belief among researchers, that the rediscovery of monatomic elements form
a link in what appears to be an unbroken chain that spans across centuries of Earth's history back
to antiquity.
All of recorded history up to present day revolves around the creation, possession, and
employment of monatomic gold.
Alchemy, it appears, is not about creating gold from base metals, but turning
gold into monatomic, white powder. |

That's why organic farmers worldwide are replenishing their "mineral depleted" soils by
adding these elements back in their original form, i.e., rock dust and evaporated ocean solids.
Original Himalayan Crystal Salt is the remains of an ancient, primal ocean, and the
mineral content of the salt, as well as the monatomic elements, are at their highest potentials